Question: Would you knowingly choose to market your services (or waste precious advertising dollars!) on someone whose budget didn’t align with your prices? I’m pretty sure you answered no.

Here’s some earth-shattering truth: Not everyone is your ideal client and you’re not everyone’s ideal product or service provider. And that’s okay. Gucci doesn't market to a Walmart customer, just like Walmart doesn't market to a Gucci customer.

The thing is, you can’t strategically market your product or service and land your dream clients if you don’t know who your target audience and ideal client is. But once you do, you’ll be able to identify their concerns and pain points, speak directly to them, and have your ideal client knowing that you are the right fit even before meeting you. Your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA) will provide a roadmap for how to reach your dream clients and tailor your marketing strategies, including your Brand Identity and Website Design.

Building Your Ideal Client Avatar

(and why it's so damn important.)


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